

Changing employees

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In 2013 “” united 4 companies specializing in ticket sales under its brand. The companies were Московская Театральная Дирекция Зрелищных Касс («МТДЗК»), «Арена», «ЮАТ» and «Софт механика». «МТДЗК» was the oldest, it turned 90 in 2015. Today is the leading platform for multichannel ticket booking.


  • articulate and define company’s cultural values;
  • introduce corporate values and use them to unite the employees of three organizations.


Social network where awards and “thanks” are tied to the company’s corporate values. When thanking each other, employees choose the value which they thank their colleague for displaying.



By thanking each other and receiving “thanks” the employees live through the values, take them in and learn to follow them.

Corporate character – Tinkerbell, a little naïve, a little mean. She acts as an “inspector,” and sometimes trolls the staff just a little bit.

Interesting facts:

  • Before the start Ticketland decided to make a quiz-survey, where they asked their employees to choose 3 out of 18 possible corporate values, which, in their opinion, will become official. Those, who guess all three correctly, get a prize.
  • “Thanks” ranking leaders were not the brightest “media” personalities, but those, who do the most for their colleagues. For example, an absolute leader, who was thanked for their professionalism, was company’s system administrator.
  • To fight their employees coming late all the time, Ticketland uses badges. For every time an employee is late, he or she gets a “Snail” badge, and all of the colleagues and managers can see that. To get rid of the badge, this person needs to be on time every day the next week. With the creation of “Snails” the overall time of people being late became three times less. The “Snails” became a corporate meme, and they are used in jokes like “Collect 15 snails and get a private talk with Svetlana Muratova (HR director); collect 25 snails and get a private talk with Vitaliy Vinogradov (CEO); collect 30 snails and Dobby is free” . The “Snails” collectors also organized their own closed group on the platform, where they share their worries and complaints.


Corporate social network
Gift shop
Virtual currency
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