

How a gamified online regatta helped Etagi
real estate agency increase KPIs by 13%

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"Etagi" is the #1 real estate agency according to VTB and Sberbank.


Create an informal communication space in the company, ensure integration between departments in the work process and involve participants in regular implementation of anticipatory actions


The ready-to-use corporate platform by Pryaniky – a sea voyage with virtual currency and prizes

The “Etagi” game space


In each month of the project, the performance of the pilot group was higher than in the rest of the city, and their average result for the entire project period (6 months) exceeded the performance of their peers by 13%. Revenues exceeded the investment in the project by 21 times.

Interesting facts:

  • For auxiliary KPIs a game embodiment was also used – on their way participants “collected” virtual corals, bottles with notes, pearls and other artifacts, for the collection of artifacts – i.e. for reaching the target KPI value – participants received badges and additional currency – as well as for successful finish on the main route;
  • We took all the KPIs and calculated them in terms of “value” in gold. The math was calculated very carefully so that we did not go out of budget for prizes;
  • At first there were a lot of questions about what to do, where to click, etc., but after the first shopping, people got involved – there was excitement, attention to the news of the project, and word of mouth started to spread around the office.


Virtual store
Virtual currency

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