
Additional modules

new functional modules for business

The platform “Pryaniky” is constantly expanding — both through new functional modules that are deeply integrated into the overall logic of the platform, and through atomic service applications, which you can also add yourself or involve external development resources that are not related to “Gingerbread”.

The platform “Pryaniky” is constantly expanding — both through new functional modules that are deeply integrated into the overall logic of the platform, and through atomic service applications, which you can also add yourself or involve external development resources that are not related to “Gingerbread”.

Additional functional modules


Each employee can mark key skills / competencies on their own profile, as well as on the profiles of colleagues: they say, I believe that Sam Bond has the skill of “complex negotiations”. Other colleagues can strengthen the mark by confirming that, yes, Sam Bond is really good at difficult negotiations. The more people who have marked a skill on an employee’s profile, the higher the credibility of this assessment, and a skills search will help you easily find the right specialists for projects or in the talent pool.

The color of the mood

Someone has blue, someone has multicolored. A compact widget on the main page of the portal will ask employees every day how they feel on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is “terrible” and 5 is “great”. The answer takes one second, and for HR in the administrative console, a visual picture is formed of what moods prevail in the company — at this particular moment and in dynamics, this information serves as an indicator of the wellbeing status of employees.


A “secret” is a block with hidden information that can be accessed by specifying a password. The secret widget can be placed on any portal page and used for two scenarios:
1) storing passwords and other confidential information within shared pages. For example, on a public page with deployment instructions The software can host a “secret” with information about access to servers, and only server administrators can open it.
2) Portal familiarization quest: employees receive tips on where to look for “secrets”, must collect them all and, having collected a key phrase or the final secret word, get currency, badges, points in the rating.

Secret Santa

A popular New Year’s Eve game (which, however, can be launched at other times of the year — for example, on the company’s birthday). Employees register to participate in the game, indicate their contacts and wishlists, and on day X there is a random distribution of Santa donors and donees: each Santa receives a letter about who he is giving a gift to and what gift the recipient dreams of (if, of course, he indicated it). The game can be held in several sessions, it is possible to group participants by organizational signs: for example, specify that the distribution of Santas takes place only within the department.

Advent calendar

A popular format for the New Year and the company’s birthday. Various surprise activities are planned in the advent calendar for the festive month (or two): quizzes, contests, a gratitude marathon, online conferences with top managers, a sale in a virtual store, etc. Secret calendar cells (not necessarily everything – maybe 2-3 days a week) open on the appointed day and invite employees to activities.

Choosing the best employees

Another festive format: at the first stage, employees nominate themselves or colleagues for the title of the best employee (there may be several nominations), telling in their applications what exactly the special merits of the nominee are that require recognition. At the second stage, voting for the nominees takes place, the best are selected based on the results and awarded — with fanfare and fanfare — as a rule, at a corporate event.

The functional modules are very various

Global practices of using corporate social networks

Ipsos research for Microsoft has shown that
about 40% of employees are confident that social networks will facilitate effective interaction with colleagues
In their research, the McKinsey Global Institute came to the conclusion that
the use of corporate social networks increases the speed of information exchange by 77%
In their research, the McKinsey Global Institute came to the conclusion that
when using corporate social networks, access to the knowledge of internal experts becomes 52% easier%

“PRYANIKY” is praised for holistic approach

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for completed clients cases

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for completed clients cases

More than 100 successful projects in companies with 50 to 18,000 employees​

Евгения Любко

We constantly receive requests to add new functionality, and if this functionality is “socially useful”, then we integrate it into the general outline of the platform. But there are narrow-niche queries that are perfectly covered by the development of individual applications. For example, the most “exotic” application was the flight accounting system for the glider school, built into the “Pryaniky”, which serves as a learning platform for the school.

Evgeniya Lyubko
Founder and Managing Partner of the Pryaniky HRM platform

We constantly receive requests to add new functionality, and if this functionality is “socially useful”, then we integrate it into the general outline of the platform. But there are narrow-niche queries that are perfectly covered by the development of individual applications. For example, the most “exotic” application was the flight accounting system for the glider school, built into the “Pryaniky”, which serves as a learning platform for the school.

Евгения Любко

Evgeniya Lyubko
Founder and Managing Partner of the Pryaniky HRM platform

Technical features of the platform

Data protection

HTTPS communication channel protection, database encryption, journaling of all operations on changes in the system are used.


Rest API, loading data from files/database, embedding external applications, support for iframe and html-inserts. Ready connectors to Active Directory, FreeIPA, 1C:ZUP.

On-premises hosting

On-Premise version is hosted on the customer’s servers in compliance with all internal information security requirements.

Cloud hosting

The SAAS version is hosted in the secure Yandex.Cloud using FSTEC-certified security features.

Pryaniky is effective for different industries


















Customer reviews of the Pryaniky corporate network

Now everyone knows that DHLWOOD is a safe area where you can freely share photos from the master class, express gratitude for the useful advice and In the comments to such publications, other colleagues ask clarifying questions about how they organized the event or "what you advised, we have the same situation"... Due to these publications, we get to know and understand each other better, and mutually enrich ourselves with culture, knowledge, and experience.
Irina Baryshnikova, Manager of the Customer Relations Department and manager of service branches, DHL Express in Russia
I want to say a big thank you to "Pryaniky" (not only here, but in general for the whole project, but here — separately), as they carefully brought us to the launch, taught us everything and offered a lot of useful ideas for involvement.
Olga Gnelitsa, Head of Contact Center Rostelecom PJSC
We are not only kept the plan, but also increased sales by 20% on average compared to the same period of the previous year. Another important result achieved is the increased effectiveness and popularity of our in-house training school. We conducted all training in-house, and it was important when field employees — experts in their field — became trainers and taught their colleagues themselves. It's about morale, and  support, and overall development, and about status.
Anastasia Vinokurova, Head of Training and Development "Coca-Cola İçecek Kazakhstan"

The cost of implementing the Pryaniky process management

The cost and timeframe for Pryaniky customization depends on the complexity of the project and the size of your company.
Leave a request, our manager will call you back and advise you on the implementation project.

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