

Offline training “Easy gamification for personnel management”

This is a one-day offline training for a group of up to 15 people, where you will be introduced to both the basics and more advanced concepts of gamification. You will end the day with a prototype scenario for solving your challenges and objectives.

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Workshop “Independent Implementation of Ideas Exchange”

This is a one-day workshop for a group of up to 15 people, where you, with the help of our experts, will develop an effective scenario for “Ideas Exchange” based on the existing processes and desired changes. As a result, you will get a ready-to-use scenario for “Exchange” on “Pryaniky.”

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Online course “Easy gamification for personnel management. Basic level”

This course is the fast way to learn the basics of gamification in HR without leaving your office. Rumor has it that the most motivated students complete it as fast as in one day, but most people take their time and appear at the finish line in two or three weeks.

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Online course “Easy gamification for personnel management. Advanced level”

This course was developed for those, who want to independently dig into all of the twists and turns of corporate gamification and confidently manage their own gamification projects. In the course you will find a detailed analysis of game mechanics, budgeting, engagement and efficiency assessment, but also step-by-step guide to scenario development with support and feedback from our experts.

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