
Corporate portal​

an ecosystem of services for employees

The corporate portal may include an arbitrary set of key platform modules, as well as additional applications from the catalog or services developed by internal IT specialists or third-party studios.
The portal is easily configured using the page builder, widget catalog, administrative console, API and ready-made integration buses and flexibly adapts to the tasks, characteristics of the audience and culture of the company. The mobile application is included in the outline of the portal’s capabilities.

The corporate portal may include an arbitrary set of key platform modules, as well as additional applications from the catalog or services developed by internal IT specialists or third-party studios.
The portal is easily configured using the page builder, widget catalog, administrative console, API and ready-made integration buses and flexibly adapts to the tasks, characteristics of the audience and culture of the company. The mobile application is included in the outline of the portal’s capabilities.

The functionality of the corporate portal

You can organize employee interaction on the basis of a corporate social network or use the portal only for information – in the format of a news feed. Comments, likes, @mentions, #hashtags, formatting of publications, filters – will be available in all cases.

The mission, values, company history, information about the board of directors, hotlines, answers to frequently asked questions and other information that should be easily accessible to a wide range of employees can be collected on the portal using a convenient visual page editor with full-text search.

Corporate Learning Portal module will help to organize the management of a catalog of courses, assign them to different audiences of employees, track the dynamics of training; game micro-training in the format of quizzes will support daily training of employees, and a social network with gamification will help to involve employees in the exchange of experience and accumulation of knowledge base.

The portal provides various forms of surveys – from quick pulse surveys on a social network to multi-component loyalty, engagement questionnaires and more. Employees can also support each other with virtual thanks or evaluate each other’s work in the format of detailed positive and negative ratings.

Virtual currency and corporate store, badges, ratings, contests, quests, achievements, game styling and other elements are presented in the form of a multifunctional constructor, with which you can independently assemble scenarios on the portal to increase engagement and retention of talents, as well as competitive stories to increase KPIs or thematic marathons – ideas, values, wellbeing and others.

A flexible notification system will help to establish the optimal density of contact with employees – through email, web and push notifications. The default notification configuration, as well as text templates, are configured in the administrative console, and employees themselves can also manage personal notification settings.

You can use the default portal structure or change it for yourself using a convenient page editor and a rich catalog of ready-made widgets, which you can also expand yourself. Branding is easily configured in the administrative console or deeper – using custom CSS.

Information about employees can be presented both in the form of a telephone directory and in the format of an organizational structure. And you can also structure any background information on the portal – available benefits, information about products and services, and so on.

For beginners, educational materials are provided in the form of structured online courses, as well as a catalog of knowledge – welcome book, instructions, answers to frequently asked questions collected in a special section. Mentors/buddies can also be organized on the portal (and their remuneration using gamification).

The portal will allow you to organize the collection and processing of employee ideas – from initial moderation to successful implementation, and will provide visual statistics on employee activity and the promotion of ideas through the funnel. Creative contests will help to involve employees in the search for solutions for targeted queries, and gamification contributes to high engagement.

Processing vacation applications, ordering passes, Office supplies, merch and other HR services can be configured on the portal using the application and process builder. Each process may involve its own application form, approval rules, appointment of responsible persons, and reminders. It is also possible to place links to services implemented on other platforms on the portal.

The convenient portal configurator allows you to use it as a single information hub for employees, whose navigation includes not only internal sections, but also a catalog of links to external services, including seamless transition (end-to-end authentication). The portal menu provides an unlimited number of nesting levels and is equipped with a search.

A flexible role model will allow you to grant individual employees or groups of employees the rights to manage the settings of individual modules – questionnaires, knowledge bases, gamification scenarios, and the structure of groups on the portal will help organize employee access to content in accordance with the organizational structure. Authentication is possible using a login password, one-time SMS, Windows SSO, LDAP, ADFS, and even in the employee self-registration format.

A ready-made catalog of Excel reports will provide the ability to quickly download up-to-date information, and visual statistical diagrams for individual modules will give a quick visual cross-section of current activity.

The interfaces of the corporate portal are configured
in your corporate style

Global practices of using corporate portals

According to McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
Communication costs are reduced by 60%
According to McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
Travel expenses are reduced by 44%
According to McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
Employee satisfaction increases by 41%
According to McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
Easier access to the knowledge of internal experts on 52%

“PRYANIKY” is praised for holistic approach

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for implemented client cases

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for implemented client cases

More than 100 successful projects in companies with a staff of 50 to 18,000 people​​


All the services of the “Pryaniky” corporate portal – communication, training, knowledge base, feedback collection, and crowdsourcing – are permeated by the motivational mechanics of gamification.

We try to make corporate portals human–centered – to put a person at the forefront in all the diversity of his talents, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses and other personality traits, and build a service infrastructure around him – one that would environmentally involve him in corporate projects, help solve work tasks, provide a sense of elbow and importance of activity.

Constructor of the “Pryaniky” portal allows you to build such an ecosystem in accordance with business objectives and the peculiarities of the company’s culture and audience.

Evgeniya Lyubko
Founder and Managing Partner of the Pryaniky HRM platform

All the services of the “Pryaniky” corporate portal – communication, training, knowledge base, feedback collection, and crowdsourcing – are permeated by the motivational mechanics of gamification.

We try to make corporate portals human–centered – to put a person at the forefront in all the diversity of his talents, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses and other personality traits, and build a service infrastructure around him – one that would environmentally involve him in corporate projects, help solve work tasks, provide a sense of elbow and importance of activity.

Constructor of the “Pryaniky” portal allows you to build such an ecosystem in accordance with business objectives and the peculiarities of the company’s culture and audience.


Evgeniya Lyubko
Founder and Managing Partner of the Pryaniky HRM platform

Technical features of the platform

Data protection

HTTPS communication channel protection, database encryption, journaling of all operations on changes in the system are used.


Rest API, loading data from files/database, embedding external applications, support for iframe and html-inserts. Ready connectors to Active Directory, FreeIPA, 1C:ZUP.

On-premises hosting

On-Premise version is hosted on the customer’s servers in compliance with all internal information security requirements.

Cloud hosting

The SAAS version is hosted in the secure Yandex.Cloud using FSTEC-certified security features.

Pryaniky is effective for different industries






















Customer reviews of the "Pryaniky" corporate portal​

GlenSpace for us is a channel for all business communication. We deliberately wanted to spread notifications about work tasks and corporate communications about events, projects, news, ideas, etc. – so as not to spam employees with mailings and not interfere with the concentrated flow of tasks incorporate mail, and centralize all these activities on a separate site with a mobile application.
Maria Herman, HR Business Partner "Glenmark"
We managed to break down the barrier that prevented people from sharing information with each other. The fear has gone that if you write "something is not right", then they will punish you for it. Now everyone knows that"DHLWOOD" is a safe space where you can freely share photos from the master class, express gratitude for the useful advice – and in the comments to such publications, other colleagues ask clarifying questions about how the event was organized or "what was advised, we have the same situation"... Thanks to these publications, we get to know and understand each other better, and mutually enrich ourselves with culture, andknowledge, and experience.
Irina Baryshnikova, Development Manager of the Customer Relations Department and Service Department Manager, DHL Express in Russia.
The most important goal that has been achieved is, of course, team building and strengthening the understanding of a single large team, as well as centralizing the information field. At the start, we were aware that it would be difficult to objectively measure the results of the implementation, but a year later, we conducted a survey on the entire company, in which 60% unequivocally replied that they would like to continue using "Pryaniky."
Ekaterina Generalova, Director of Development at the Mutual Assistance Fund

The cost of implementing the Pryaniky process management

The cost and timeframe for Pryaniky customization depends on the complexity of the project and the size of your company.
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