

Intorducing innovations suggested by employees

Every employee in your company is a potential source of ideas and solutions that he would like to bring, but does not know how or doubts that his ideas are of interest to anyone at all.

It’s time to use this resource 100%!

When using the Idea Exchange, each employee can submit their brilliant ideas for consideration. It is a real benefit for the company – it can be process optimization, cost reduction or even a windfall. And for an employee the opportunity to show initiative, see the implementation of his idea (or feedback on it) and receive a bonus in the form of virtual currency.

Every employee in your company is a potential source of ideas and solutions that he would like to bring, but does not know how or doubts that his ideas are of interest to anyone at all.

It’s time to use this resource 100%!

When using the Idea Exchange, each employee can submit their brilliant ideas for consideration. It is a real benefit for the company – it can be process optimization, cost reduction or even a windfall. And for an employee the opportunity to show initiative, see the implementation of his idea (or feedback on it) and receive a bonus in the form of virtual currency.

What is included in the corporate idea exchange

Evaluation form

Experts can evaluate an idea in a free format, or they can use a pre-configured questionnaire, as a result of assessments a final score is formed, which decides the further movement of the idea. However, the assessment does not have to be templated by narrow-field experts. It is also possible that a general expert committee meets once a month and evaluates all new ideas. This is also possible.

Auto-assignment of experts

Ideas in the “sales” should be assessed by the Commercial director, and in the “purchasing” topic by the Purchasing director. What if ideas on the topic of “sales” in Moscow should be assessed by the Moscow Regional Sales Manager, and a similar topic in Vladivostok should be assessed by his peer of Primorye Region? In our builder, experts can be assigned automatically depending on one or more idea categories. And if not a single expert is found, then a moderator is expected to evaluate an idea and decide on its further course.

Idea lifecycle management

First, the idea is checked by a moderator, then employees vote for it, then the expert council gives its verdict…
Or maybe it was the other way around? In the idea life cycle designer, you can easily configure both the composition of the stages and the rules for processing the idea at each stage – who should do what as well as deadlines when decision should be taken.

Proposal template

For the idea prorposals to be thought through correctly by the author, you can set up a suitable presentation template, such as further details, in addition to the title, description as well as expected effect or should the author of the idea respond? Maybe calculation of the economic effect or  potential costs? The idea template is configured in a simple designer in the administrative console.


The exchange of ideas uses the communication format of a corporate social network – all ideas go to a common container, where colleagues can like them, comment or suggest improvements, later join the working group or aspire to lead its implementation. Maximum transparency of the idea’s progress through the life cycle ensures trustworthiness and employee participation.


It is an Idea exchange for a good reason. Having virtual currency (see “Gamification”), employees can invest in ideas, thereby voting that the idea is useful and promising, and expexcting dividend returns that will definitely be accrued to the “investor”, but only when the idea is successfully introduced. Rewards for authors, participants and implementation leaders are also provided to create positive motivation for active participation in working with ideas.

The idea exchange can be customized to match your corporate style

World practices of using the exchange of ideas

According to the book "The Flexible Mind" by Estanislao Bachrach
90% or more of the innovative products we use today are based on ideas born from rank-and-file employees in a non-work environment.
According to research by Globoforce and IBM Smarter Workforce Institute
83% of employees give positive feedback about their employer when they see that they are recognized at the company for a job well done.
According to IIDF Accelerator data
Corporate entrepreneurship is one of the most promising tools for creating new products and employee progress. Moreover, today only 8% of the 500 largest companies in Russia train internal entrepreneurs.

“PRYANIKY” is praised for holistic approach

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for completed clients cases

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for completed clients cases

More than 100 successful projects in companies with 50 to 18,000 employees​​


Teamwork makes the dream work.
The mere opportunity to share ideas on a corporate portal already increases the chances that employees will take initiative and propose innovations; gamification will help attract more authors and implementors and improve the quality of suggested ideas; and a powerful idea lifecycle management engine will make life easier for experts and moderators and smooth the process of working on ideas as transparent as possible for all participants.

Evgenia Lyubko.
Founder and managing partner of the HRM platform “PRYANIKY”

Teamwork makes the dream work.

The mere opportunity to share ideas on a corporate portal already increases the chances that employees will take initiative and propose innovations; gamification will help attract more authors and implementors and improve the quality of suggested ideas; and a powerful idea lifecycle management engine will make life easier for experts and moderators and smooth the process of working on ideas as transparent as possible for all participants.


Evgenia Lyubko.
Founder and managing partner of the HRM platform “PRYANIKY”

Technical features of the platform

Data protection

HTTPS communication channel protection, database encryption, journaling of all operations on changes in the system are used.


Rest API, loading data from files/database, embedding external applications, support for iframe and html-inserts. Ready connectors to Active Directory, FreeIPA, 1C:ZUP.

On-premises hosting

On-Premise version is hosted on the customer’s servers in compliance with all internal information security requirements.

Cloud hosting

The SAAS version is hosted in the secure Yandex.Cloud using FSTEC-certified security features.

Pryaniky is effective for different industries






















Customer reviews of the Pryaniky corporate network​

In the first year, 200 employees proposed 72 ideas and a third of them were implemented. We also adhere to the philosophy that the company's customers and its employees are the most valuable source of information about what can be changed and improved in daily work and how it can be done. From this was born the idea of a "Bank of Ideas", and with the advent of a corporate social network, its implementation became possible.
Maria Mironycheva, Head of Marketing and Internal Communications Department, PERI
Investments in the project have paid off a hundredfold. Such projects help to see the real involvement of people in work processes and improvement processes. Who is motivated by what, which part of the team is open to change, and who is not interested in all this at all. Many employees have opened up for us in this project. Therefore, of course, such initiatives can and should be implemented.
Elena Kazantseva, Curator of the Idea Fair program at OMK IT

The cost of implementing the Pryaniky process management

The cost and timeframe for Pryaniky customization depends on the complexity of the project and the size of your company.
Leave a request, our manager will call you back and advise you on the implementation project.

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