

to motivate and engage employees​

Gamification mechanics can be built into the background of communication, training, collecting ideas and feedback from employees, or they can be the basis of powerful motivational projects – competitions in the style of a yacht race, space travel, rally to increase the involvement and retention of talents in the style of a round-the-world trip, building a city of the future or in any other style, which is suitable for your tasks, culture and audience characteristics.

Gamification mechanics can be built into the background of communication, training, collecting ideas and feedback from employees, or they can be the basis of powerful motivational projects – competitions in the style of a yacht race, space travel, rally to increase the involvement and retention of talents in the style of a round-the-world trip, building a city of the future or in any other style, which is suitable for your tasks, culture and audience characteristics.

HR Gamification Tools

The basis of the internal corporate economy is virtual currency: cookies, joules, miles, stars, coins of all stripes – the name remains at your discretion. Employees can earn it within the framework of objective (over-fulfillment of plans, mentoring, filling the knowledge base, etc.) and subjective (gratitude to each other) assessments, as well as prizes at competitions and as dividends from successfully implemented ideas. All earned currency can be spent in the internal store. The system keeps a detailed record of what results the currency was earned for and what it was spent on.

Competitive mechanics for those categories of employees who have objectively measurable KPIs: sales, contact centers, etc. Competitions can take place between individual employees or between groups (departments, cities, shops), the values in the ratings can be taken directly from the activities on the portal (for example, rating on proposed ideas), or imported from external systems via API, by file sharing or direct access to the database of the original source.

A way to learn about the achievements of employees outside the company or encourage them to share knowledge. Achievements are a kind of price list of useful things: an employee can choose from the list which useful thing he has completed, attach evidence and send it for moderation. This can be a photo from a workout or a screenshot of 10k steps taken from a fitness tracker, as well as a work life hack, useful advice, a review of a book read, etc. Achievements encourage employees to share useful content with each other.

Employees can spend the earned virtual currency in the internal store – for merch, gadgets, gift certificates (there is a ready-made integration with the Giftery online certificate catalog), as well as for “superpowers” – something that cannot be purchased for money at all, but can only be earned with their karma within the company: oversleep, be late, leave early on Friday, work in the boss’s office, refuse to execute the report, etc.

Visual awards, insignia that form comprehensive profiles of employee achievements: who participated in mentoring programs, who was the best seller in May 2024, who regularly participates in clean–up days, and who enjoys special recognition among colleagues – badges visualize all this information and make it convenient for analysis.

The format of virtual brainstorming sessions or a convenient way to ask for help from colleagues. The author of the contest declares a topic – for example, what to give customers for the New Year or what to call a new meeting room, reinforces the competition with his virtual currency, which he then distributes among the authors of the best offers. Other employees interested in solving the initial problem as soon as possible can add currency to the competition fund. This format can also be used for photo contests and other creative projects.

Multi-step tasks, for which the employee receives virtual currency, badges, rating points (either individually or all at once, depending on the settings). Quests are used to engage newcomers, create attractiveness for dull routine processes (remember how Tom Sawyer painted the fence?) and attracting attention to certain special projects, for example, the “Clean–up Day” quest: register for a clean-up day, come with a rake, collect a bag of leaves, post a selfie with a rake and a bag – get an honorary badge and a currency bonus.

Interface of the gamified platform are configured in your corporate style​

Global HR gamification practices

According to Towers Watson, Turbocharging Employee Engagement: The Power of Recognition From Managers, 2009
Engagement increases by 60% if managers are able to use recognition tools in managing employees.
According to the case study of the WorkHuman-2018 conference
It is 2 times easier to retain talented employees for those companies that spend at least 1% of the total on recognition programs.
According to research Globoforce and IBM Smarter Workforce Institute
83% of employees give positive feedback about the employer when they see that they receive recognition for a job well done.

“PRYANIKY” is praised for holistic approach

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for completed clients cases

• Since 2012 on the market

• More than 200 HR Tech implementations

• Gamification provider #1 according to the WOWPRO rating

• 14 awards for completed clients cases

More than 100 successful projects in companies with 50 to 18,000 employees​​


Gamification is what “Pryaniky” started with, when we didn’t even use such a word yet, but developed a non-material motivation mechanic constructor.

As a result, since 2012, there has been an extensive practice of using gamification both to stimulate KPIs in competitive cases, and to involve employees in various corporate projects, holding thematic marathons, and creating a supportive, accepting communication environment…

Evgeniya Lyubko
Founder and Managing Partner of the Pryaniky HRM platform

Gamification is what “Pryaniky” started with, when we didn’t even use such a word yet, but developed a non-material motivation mechanic constructor.

As a result, since 2012, there has been an extensive practice of using gamification both to stimulate KPIs in competitive cases, and to involve employees in various corporate projects, holding thematic marathons, and creating a supportive, accepting communication environment…


Evgeniya Lyubko
Founder and Managing Partner of the Pryaniky HRM platform

Technical features of the platform

Data protection

HTTPS communication channel protection, database encryption, journaling of all operations on changes in the system are used.


Rest API, loading data from files/database, embedding external applications, support for iframe and html-inserts. Ready connectors to Active Directory, FreeIPA, 1C:ZUP.

On-premises hosting

On-Premise version is hosted on the customer’s servers in compliance with all internal information security requirements.

Cloud hosting

The SAAS version is hosted in the secure Yandex.Cloud using FSTEC-certified security features.

Pryaniky is effective for different industries






















Customer reviews of the Pryaniky HR gamification platform​

We launched the corporate world "Civilization" in order to combine the already existing system of numerous competitions for employees into a single ordered motivational program, so that it would be exciting, "with a spark", encourage employees to join the company's focuses and achieve success in customer service, sales, leadership.
Tatyana Shpakova, project leader of the Sportmaster company
We not only maintained the plan, but also increased sales by an average of 20% compared to the same period of the previous year. Of course, it cannot be said that the growth was solely due to the game, but the fact that it contributed to this growth can be said with certainty.
Anastasia Vinokurova, Head of Training and Development at Coca-Cola Içecek Kazakhstan
The average result of the pilot group for the 6 months of the project exceeded the performance of non-playing colleagues by 13%. In rubles, these 13% amount to an amount that has 21 times recouped the total investment in the project (including prizes).
Ekaterina Korobeynkova, project Manager of the company "Etagi"

The cost of implementing the Pryaniky process management

The cost and timeframe for Pryaniky customization depends on the complexity of the project and the size of your company.
Leave a request, our manager will call you back and advise you on the implementation project.

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